Gratitude for all of you 🔥

NV11 homies and especially Catspaw - I really appreciate you guys sharing your insights openly and offering feedback. In the few days I’ve been on this forum I’ve learned a lot and have benefited greatly from your ideas. Thank you to all of you :raised_hands:

I want to get together with like minded people and you all seem like my type of people. Maybe we can find a way to meet in reality and become more than forum friends. I live on the beach in Corpus Christi with my fiancé 2 daughters and 3 dogs. If you’re ever in the area hit me up! Let’s work together to conquer our selves and create a better reality. My number is
469 673 4326. All you guys are welcome to text anytime I’d love to connect and add any value to your mission that I can

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I’m so happy you find value here and feel at home :slight_smile:

I would love nothing more than to see this community grow and evolve into something more than just a forum.

&& oh man are you lucky to be in warm weather right now lol — I’m all the way up in Canada waiting for the winter to end

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Cold weather is great for a week of snowboarding but after that it kinda sucks!